Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures

This was Rachel's proudly displayed cake from Tony's that she and her friend Angela bought when she was in town.
You can never go wrong with a Mcdonalds, I think that's the Pebbles new motto!

Ahh, the relationship between father and son. {Of course, this is only a picture, you don't even know the half of it.

Well, Ellen got a chair and she was pretty excited about it. Besides the hair I'd say it's a pretty good picture.

This picture shows a bit of everyones personalities. Ellen is trying to be as cool as possible{ considering she's in middle school!} Maddie is just kinda herself relaxed and ready to take on the world, Reid is trying to get the pictures over with as fast as he can{he only concern is the pictures at the park}, and Grant, well, Grant. He's picking up sticks and taking his time{but boy as soon as he saw that park, well, that was the fastest we'd ever seen him go!}

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